Monday, July 24, 2017

PowerShell - Add AD User/Group to Local Administrator Group

Script to add an AD User or group to the Local Administrator group
The script can use either a plaintext file or a computer name as input and will add the trustee (user or group) as an administrator to the computer
A path that contains a plaintext file with computer names
This parameter can be used instead of the InputFile parameter to specify a single computer or a series of
computers using a comma-separated format
The SamAccount name of an AD User or AD Group that is to be added to the Local Administrators group
Name: Set-ADAccountasLocalAdministrator.ps1
.\Set-ADAccountasLocalAdministrator.ps1.ps1 -Computer Server01 -Trustee MananChoksi
Will set the the JaapBrasser account as a Local Administrator on Server01
.\Set-ADAccountasLocalAdministrator.ps1.ps1 -Computer 'Server01,Server02' -Trustee Contoso\HRManagers
Will set the HRManagers group in the contoso domain as Local Administrators on Server01 and Server02
.\Set-ADAccountasLocalAdministrator.ps1 -InputFile C:\ListofComputers.txt -Trustee User01
Will set the User01 account as a Local Administrator on all servers and computernames listed in the ListofComputers file
     Function that resolves SAMAccount and can exit script if resolution fails
function Resolve-SamAccount {
     process {
             $ADResolve = ([adsisearcher]"(samaccountname=$Trustee)").findone().properties['samaccountname']
             $ADResolve = $null
        if (!$ADResolve) {
             Write-Warning "User `'$SamAccount`' not found in AD, please input correct SAM Account"
             if ($Exit) {
if (!$Trustee) {
     $Trustee = Read-Host "Please input trustee"
if ($Trustee -notmatch '\\') {
     $ADResolved = (Resolve-SamAccount -SamAccount $Trustee -Exit:$true)
     $Trustee = 'WinNT://',"$env:userdomain",'/',$ADResolved -join ''
} else {
     $ADResolved = ($Trustee -split '\\')[1]
     $DomainResolved = ($Trustee -split '\\')[0]
     $Trustee = 'WinNT://',$DomainResolved,'/',$ADResolved -join ''
if (!$InputFile) {
     if (!$Computer) {
         $Computer = Read-Host "Please input computer name"
     [string[]]$Computer = $Computer.Split(',')
     $Computer | ForEach-Object {
         Write-Host "Adding `'$ADResolved`' to Administrators group on `'$_`'"
         try {
             Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully completed command for `'$ADResolved`' on `'$_`'"
         } catch {
             Write-Warning "$_"
else {
     if (!(Test-Path -Path $InputFile)) {
         Write-Warning "Input file not found, please enter correct path"
     Get-Content -Path $InputFile | ForEach-Object {
         Write-Host "Adding `'$ADResolved`' to Administrators group on `'$_`'"
         try {
             Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully completed command"
         } catch {
             Write-Warning "$_"

Save above powershell in to Set-ADAccountasLocalAdministrator.ps1
Run this powershell command with pass parameters
.\Set-ADAccountasLocalAdministrator.ps1 –Computer computerName –Trustee domaine\userID

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